城野医生 EGF修护精华原液
- 修复表皮促进受损表皮的修复与再生,对烧伤、烫伤、光疗、等多种表皮创伤的修复的功效十分显著。
- 抗皱除皱EGF能促进表皮细胞组织内多种细胞的生长分裂,使表皮细胞变得饱满;它还可以促使胶原蛋白生长能力,修复老化断裂的胶原弹性纤维。
- 收缩毛孔促进皮下胶原蛋白合成,增加皮肤弹性,从而促使毛孔收缩,并使肌肤具有青春活力。
- 改变皮肤中新老细胞的比例,降低了皮肤中黑过色素和有色细胞含量,使面部的色斑逐渐淡化、消失。
- 促进细胞外透明质酸、粘多糖等合成和分泌,维持真皮内的水分,使表皮内角质层水分保持能力增强,让肌肤滋润散发活力。
- 温和配方,眼部同样适用,补水去干纹去眼纹,在眼霜之前打底使用,让眼霜更好发挥效果。
Dr.Ci:Labo - EGF Special Super 100 Series
Anti-aging serum is made with a high concentration of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) which helps diminish newly-developing wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity. Use this serum to brighten dull skin, tighten pores and fade acne scars. Made without perfumes, coloring or mineral oil.
- Beauty industry attention ingredients, as soon as they appear in the Super 100 series.
- It brings out the essential power of skin that decreases with age and leads to youthful skin full of moisture.
- It is a rich essence unique to the Super 100 series, you can use it luxuriously.
- When using, be sure to use for 10ml dedicated eyedropper (sold separately).
How to use:
- The Super 100 series can freely combine the ingredients necessary for your own skin according to the changing condition of the skin day by day.
- Medicinal Aqua Collagen Gel Super Moisture, etc.
- Just combine several drops of Super 100 series together when using your cosmetics.
- You can make original cosmetics that suits your skin troubles with a custom made sense.
- Usage: 1-2 drops.
Dr.Ci:Labo - EGF Special Super 100 Series
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