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马克·雅可布 粉色清甜小雏菊

Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh, 2011

前调:葡萄柚 绿叶 树莓 梨
中调:茉莉 玫瑰 紫罗兰 荔枝 苹果花
后调:麝香 雪松 李子
标签:果香 甜 绿叶 花香 脂粉

女生们想收到玫瑰、牡丹、火百合,也总不会想收到雏菊,但偏偏有一款雏菊,深得她们喜爱,这就是这款香氛。MARC JACOBS的作品以巧妙融合沉稳洗练与迷人风采着称,而他独树一格诠释经典时尚的盛名及才华,也已扩及至香氛产品上。香水描绘出代表MARC JACOBS女性的本质-大胆,优雅,甜美又独特,彷彿徜徉于一片翠绿草地,享受生命赋予的一切美好。瓶身上的设计能让你一眼就认出她的雏菊血统,比起之前的版本,这款“小雏菊”色彩更粉嫩,味道也更加充满水果的芳香这是招牌香氛雏菊的青春新演绎,气味予人快乐、开朗的感觉,由里到外也散发着年轻朝气。 虽然基调是果香调,但是当中隐藏着美妙的花香,非常的舒适但是不会很过分。香水采用明亮的花果香调,迸发阳光而闪闪发光的活力。延伸原版小雏菊天马行空的创作力,以新鲜覆盆莓为开端,缀以诱惑人心的野玫瑰,最后带出浓郁温暖的梅子香韵。成熟优雅但不过于严肃,捕捉了MARC JACOBS女性化又前卫的品牌精髓。适合活力充沛,魅力四射,古灵精怪的俏皮女孩。重新诠释塬版小雏菊的瓶身设计采用厚实而精致的玻璃,打造高挑而纤细的版本,完美展现这款粉红色香氛的万种风情。瓶盖是这款香氛最值得玩味之处,将天马行空的创意提升至一个新的境界。显眼的金色瓶盖上,绽放出六朵娇嫩柔软的雏菊,三朵娇媚的粉色雏菊,搭配两朵清丽的白色雏菊,下方开出一朵对比夺目的鲜黄雏菊。外盒包装延续小雏菊家族的缤纷玩色,在优雅轻柔的粉色雏菊上,意外点缀抢眼的亮黄,呼应品牌充满惊喜且时尚多变的个性。比原版小雏菊更热情活泼,带来欢乐又阳光的青春活力,散发清新而纯粹的迷人风采。清甜雏菊,让你沉浸在愉悦满足的美妙感受中,如此灿烂、优美,令人沉醉。


Fragrance Family:

Scent Type:
Fruity Florals

Key Notes:
Red Raspberry, Wild Rose, Warm Plum

Sophisticated but not too serious, Daisy Eau So Fresh sparkles with a sunny, vibrant energy. A spirited incarnation of the original Daisy, this fragrance excites the senses with a bright elegance and whimsical charm. Like the woman who wears it, Daisy Eau So Fresh inspires boldness and femininity, sweetness and unpredictability. The scent's enticing top notes of raspberry and grapefruit sparkle on the skin like sunshine, deepening into a sensuous heart of wild rose and a musky, sophisticated finish of warm plum and cedarwood.

Master perfumer Alberto Morillas, the creator of Daisy Marc Jacobs, also composed this radiant bouquet of fruits and flowers.

Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh Eau de Toilette

SKU: 3607342221208
PriceFrom $67.60
Excluding Sales Tax |
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